
Amazon Pay launches Delivery Notifications to merchants

Find out how you can enable voice-based delivery notifications to let your customers know when an order is on its way

Proactive communications in the delivery experience boost customer satisfaction and brand loyalty by reducing customer anxiety over when their online order will arrive. To remain customer centric, stay on the forefront of connecting with customers through their preferred channels. 43% of consumers globally express interest in using a voice service to check the delivery status of their order within the next three years.1

We’re excited to announce merchants have the opportunity to start proactively engaging with their customers by letting them know their order has arrived or on its way through a new, preferred channel—voice2. By taking advantage of voice-based Delivery Notifications through Alexa, you provide a premium customer experience, giving shoppers the opportunity to hear about the status of their deliveries in the comfort of their home. Best of all, merchants can access Delivery Notifications at no additional cost and benefit from subsequent feature enhancements with no additional development effort.

Why should merchants enable Delivery Notifications?

Now merchants can use Alexa to let their customers know when their order is on its way and has been delivered -- when they want, and in a natural, contextual, trusted way. Some potential benefits for your business could be:

  • Enhanced customer experience with proactive shipment delivery notifications.
  • Less customer support resources required with fewer customer service inquiries for checking delivery status.
  • A simple and straightforward API that you can integrate through your shopping cart solution provider to enable a speedy integration.
  • A one-time integration with subsequent feature enhancements and no additional development efforts.

What’s the Delivery Notifications customer experience?

The customer’s device will display a yellow ring or an on-screen banner to indicate a new notification. Customers do not have to setup new accounts or create new passwords to enable this service—they automatically receive notifications based on their Alexa notification preferences.

Watch: An example of the customer experience for Out for Delivery

Watch: An example of the customer experience for Delivered Notifications

Out for Delivery Notifications alert your customers via their devices when their Amazon Pay order is en route to its destination. Alexa tells customers “One new notification from Amazon Pay. A shipment from is scheduled to arrive by .”

Delivered Notifications inform your customers via their devices when their Amazon Pay order has arrived. Alexa tells customers “One new notification from Amazon Pay. Your shipment from has been delivered.”

How can I get started with Delivery Notifications for my business?

We have worked – and continue to work – with several commerce solution providers to make Delivery Notifications easily accessible for merchants. Currently, we have Delivery Notifications enabled for both Magento1, Magento2, and any Amazon Pay custom integrations.

I have a Magento 2 For Europe integration; how can I enable Delivery Notifications?

If you meet the pre-requisites, follow the below steps:

  1. Download and install the Amazon Pay Alexa Plugin available here
  2. Follow the steps in the installation guide to configure the plugin
  3. With the plugin turned on, whenever you enter shipping details for an Amazon Pay order, delivery notifications will be triggered.

To learn more, visit our developer guide.

I have a custom integration, how can I enable Delivery Notifications?

If you are on a custom build, or are working with another commerce solution provider but would like to integrate this feature now, the Amazon Pay Delivery Tracker API lets you provide shipment tracking information to Amazon Pay so that Amazon Pay can notify buyers on Alexa when shipments are on their way or delivered. This API is channel-agnostic. That means that anywhere you use Amazon Pay, you can use the Delivery Tracker API.

Complete the following five steps before integrating with the Amazon Pay Delivery Tracker API.

  1. Open Command Prompt or Terminal and generate a one-time private and public key pair by running the following commands:
    > openssl genrsa -out <directory path>/<private key file name>.pem 2048
    > openssl rsa -in <directory path>/<private key file name>.pem -pubout > <directory path>/<public key file name>.pub
  2. Get the Public Key ID by providing the Seller ID and Public Key in email to Amazon Pay at For the security of your account, Amazon Pay will email your Public Key ID to the email associated with your Seller Central account. Your Public Key ID will also be available in your Seller Central account within 1–2 business days.
  3. Sign all requests made to the Delivery Tracker API with the private key.
  4. Include the Public Key ID in the authorization header in all requests made to the Delivery Tracker API.

To learn more, visit our developer guide.

Talk to us today for more information.

1Amazon Pay Connected Commerce Survey conducted in April 2019 with 10,297 consumers in France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Spain, UK, US

2Currently, Delivery Notifications can be enabled for only orders shipped by carriers outside of Royal Mail. At the moment we cannot integrate Royal Mail tracking with Delivery Notifications.