In this article, we want to show you the main advantages of using Amazon Pay on PrestaShop, and its new integration with One Page Checkout module, which makes the purchasing process on your site even better.
5 advantages of Amazon Pay on PrestaShop
Amazon Pay is known as a trusted payment solution throughout the world, but do you know the other ways your business can make the most of it?
Don’t miss out on all the benefits of Amazon Pay!
1. Easy integration
When it comes to making online payments, Amazon Pay is integrated with endless ecommerce solutions and providers so you don’t have to adapt your own payment system.
As for PrestaShop, it offers hosted or self-hosted free software. That means Amazon Pay is a quick, simple, easy, and reliable service that helps to maximise sales and reduce the costs related to fraud.
To integrate the service, all you have to do is create an account, download the add-on, and activate it.
2. Simple to use
The service is incredibly simple to use because all the user data is already integrated into the purchasing process.
So, if you use it in combination with the One Page Checkout PS module, you will reduce the rate of abandoned baskets on your ecommerce site thanks to the simplified payment process. Customers don’t have to create a user account, introduce their bank details, create a new password, or fulfil other requirements.
3. Mass payment method
Amazon Pay can be found at checkout on thousands of websites around the world. Shoppers can avoid a tedious and slow purchasing process, while still enjoying a familiar, trusted experience.
4. Security
The payment method is highly secure for several reasons:
● It doesn’t share shoppers’ payment details with sellers.
● Shoppers can cancel their order or get a total refund if they are not satisfied with it or even if the seller does not fulfil their customer promise.
● Shoppers are protected against different methods of fraud that can occur on the platform or in their personal account and are warned if any security issues arise.
5. Speed
With fewer steps in the checkout process, your shoppers will save time. Plus, you will see increased transactions and ensure an improved shopping experience so that customers will return in the future.
What can I expect from Amazon Pay’s new One Page Checkout PS integration PrestaShop?
Now that you know the advantages of Amazon Pay on PrestaShop or any other platform, we’ll explain its new integration with One Page Checkout PS module.
How is Amazon Pay now integrated?
The new integration of Amazon Pay has three main modifications:
The extra code has been removed in order to create a simplified, smooth experience.
- Its interface features a smoother checkout process that improves security for any ecommerce purchase.
- The back end (the website structure) has been redesigned using a RESTful API (application program interface) that guarantees higher compatibility between integrated systems and provides increased adaptability for programmers.
How does Amazon Pay work on PrestaShop with the One Page Checkout PS?
The One Page Checkout PrestaShop module is the only one on the market with a complete and optimised integration for this payment method. And it’s easy, quick, and intuitive to use.
But why is that so important?
Paying at checkout is one of the most tedious processes for customers. Between selecting their purchases and making the final payment, there are a series of actions that might not seem obvious but can lead to customers changing their minds and not completing the purchase.
That’s why it’s essential to make purchases as easy as possible for shoppers at checkout, by reducing the number of unnecessary steps and simplifying the payment process. This will help avoid any potential loss of customers or transactions.
This is the Amazon Pay checkout process and our payment module together on the same page:
1. Choose and add a product from PrestaShop Online
First, customers select their desired products and add them to the shopping basket.

2. Go to the shopping basket
They add the desired products to the basket and, from there, click on the checkout icon.

3. Confirm the purchase with simplified payment options
The customer must first complete the purchase to be taken directly to the express checkout page to initiate interaction with the One Page Checkout module.

At this point, the customer can choose from two options. One option is to continue via express checkout, if they are not logged in or registered. Here, the Amazon Pay icon will be displayed at the top so they can complete the purchase.
Or the second option, if they are already logged in to their account, is to choose the payment method underneath to display the Buy with Amazon Pay button.
Here are examples of both processes:

For the first option, you are at the express checkout, where you can see the Buy with Amazon Pay button that bypasses registering as a customer.

For the second option, if you are logged in, you will see the different payment methods. You can choose this payment method to display the Amazon Pay button.
All the data stored in the Amazon account will be used to pay on any ecommerce site that offers this payment method.
1. Sign in with Amazon Pay
Using this payment method automatically logs the customer in, or asks them to register as a customer, depending on whether the shopper is already registered with Amazon.
2. Accept the terms of service
Before processing the order through Amazon Pay, the customer has to accept and agree to all terms of service.

3. Check the information on the checkout page
Our module in combination with this payment method provides a more simplified checkout process. That means customers can make their purchase on a single page and avoid filling in laborious registration forms, endless validations, and unnecessary steps simply to complete the purchase.
Here, they can also see all the shipping costs without having to register, plus a summary of their basket where they can change the quantities of products without having to go back to the previous page.
4. Process the order with the One Page Checkout module
After checking that all the information is correct, customers process the payment with the One Page Checkout module.
Once the order is confirmed, they can download the invoice via the link next to the order details.

Get started! Launch with Amazon Pay